German Police Arrest suspected Admin of DiDW, One of the Country’s Largest Darknet Markets

The dark web marketplace DiDW was originally launched as a forum to discuss IT security and anonymization. However, it quickly became apparent that there was a demand for illegal items such as weapons and drugs. In response, DiDW began to offer these items for sale, using an escrow system to ensure that payments were made securely. This allowed the site to become one of the most popular darknet markets, attracting buyers and sellers from all over the world. However, it also made DiDW a target for law enforcement agencies, which eventually shut the site down.

Overview of the case:

•The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in Germany has arrested a 22-year-old student in Bavaria, who is suspected of being the administrator of ‘Deutschland im Deep Web’ (DiDW), one of the largest darknet markets in the country.

• The platform had already gone offline in March 2022, with 16,000 registered users, 28,000 posts, and 72 high-volume sellers of prohibited goods.

• The suspect now faces criminal charges for operating an illicit trading platform. If convicted, they could face up to ten years imprisonment.

• DiDW was originally launched as a forum to discuss IT security and anonymization but became a darknet market selling illegal items such as weapons and drugs using an escrow system for payments.

• After law enforcement shut down the original site in 2017 and its operator was sentenced to seven years in prison; two new versions of DiDW emerged before eventually shutting down on their own.

The third version reemerged under new leadership with the motto “No control everything allowed.”

• Five years later after an investigation by federal police; they managed to identify and arrest the alleged admin on October 25th ,2022

Case Details:

The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in Germany has arrested a 22-year-old student in Bavaria, who is suspected of being the administrator of ‘Deutschland im Deep Web’ (DiDW), one of the largest darknet markets in the country.

The platform had already gone offline in March 2022, with 16,000 registered users, 28,000 posts, and 72 high-volume sellers of prohibited goods. The suspect now faces criminal charges for operating an illicit trading platform. If convicted, they could face up to ten years imprisonment.

DiDW was originally launched as a forum to discuss IT security and anonymization but became a darknet market selling illegal items such as weapons and drugs using an escrow system for payments. After law enforcement shut down the original site in 2017 and its operator was sentenced to seven years in prison; two new versions of DiDW emerged before eventually shutting down on their own. The third version reemerged under new leadership with the motto “No control everything allowed.” Five years later after an investigation by federal police; they managed to identify and arrest the alleged admin on October 25th ,2022.

How did They Take Down DiDW?

Federal police were able to take down this website by identifying user IP addresses that were accessing the site through Tor, an encrypted browser that makes it difficult for law enforcement to track users. They were also able to locate physical servers that were hosting the site in various countries including Hungary and France.

According to a press release by BKA, “In May 2020, as part of an international effort against child pornography on the so-called dark net, Bavarian investigators had come across DiDW for the first time.” Authorities began monitoring the website and observed drug trafficking activities taking place. They then contacted Europol who assisted in taking down the website.

While this is a victory for law enforcement, it does not mean that dark web marketplaces will disappear entirely. These platforms will likely continue to pop up as long as there is demand for illegal goods and services.

What do you think about law enforcement’s efforts to take down these websites? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

More info about the dark web market and admin

The 22-year-old student, who has not been named, was arrested by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in Bavaria on suspicion of being the administrator of ‘Deutschland im Deep Web’ (DiDW), one of the largest darknet markets in the country. The arrest was made after a months-long investigation, during which authorities say they were able to track down the suspect’s real identity and location.

While the details of the investigation have not been made public, it is likely that authorities were able to use a variety of techniques to identify the suspect, including social media analysis, IP tracking, and old-fashioned detective work. What is clear, however, is that the suspect made some serious mistakes when it came to opsec (operational security). These mistakes likely Include using the same username and email address for both the DiDW market and his personal accounts, as well as failing to properly use VPNs and other anonymity tools.

As a result of these careless errors, the suspect now faces a number of serious charges, including operating a criminal enterprise, money laundering, and drug trafficking. If convicted, he could spend many years in prison. This case serves as a reminder that even experienced criminals can make mistakes that lead to their downfall.

In March of 2022, the dark web market known as “The Wall” went offline. At the time of its shutdown, The Wall had 16,000 registered users, 28,000 posts, and 72 high-volume sellers of prohibited goods. The Wall was one of the dark web’s most popular markets, and its shutdown came as a surprise to many. While the reasons for the shutdown are not known, it is speculated that the market’s administrators may have been apprehended by law enforcement. In any case, The Wall’s shutdown is a reminder of the volatile and ever-changing nature of the dark web. Markets come and go with surprising frequency, and users must be prepared for the possibility that their favorite market may suddenly disappear.

The darknet marketplace was an online platform that allowed users to buy and sell illegal goods and services anonymously. The site was shut down by law enforcement in 2019, but the suspect continued to operate it illegally. The suspect now faces criminal charges for operating an illicit trading platform. If convicted, they could face up to ten years imprisonment. The darknet marketplace was used by criminals to buy and sell drugs, weapons, and other illegal goods and services. The site was also used by sex traffickers to find new victims. The shutdown of the darknet marketplace has made it more difficult for criminals to buy and sell illegal goods and services anonymously. It has also made it more difficult for sex traffickers to find new victims. The darknet marketplace was a major contributor to the illegal economy, and its shutdown is a victory for law enforcement. However, there are still many other darknet markets operating illegally, and the battle against them is far from over.

When it comes to online criminal activity, few sites have been as notorious as Dark Web Marketplace (DiDW). First launched in 2013, DiDW quickly became a go-to destination for illegal goods and services, dealing in everything from drugs and weapons to child pornography and hitman services. However, law enforcement shut down the original site in 2017, and its operator was sentenced to seven years in prison.

Despite this setback, two new versions of DiDW emerged before eventually shutting down on their own. While the reasons for their demise are not entirely clear, it’s likely that increased pressure from law enforcement played a role. In any case, the fall of DiDW stands as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of the online criminal underworld.

The third version of the company reemerged under new leadership with the motto “No control everything allowed.” Unfortunately, the student was a bit too arrogant and underestimated his privacy. The new CEO was then dethroned in a very public way, and the company is now back to being private. While this may be seen as a victory for privacy advocates, it is also a reminder that we must be careful about what we put online. We should always be aware of the possible consequences of our actions, and think twice before posting something that could be used against us.